Sunday, October 19, 2014

Navigationally Challenged

From those who've made it we keep hearing "follow your passion",  "live to inspire", "be the change that you want to see" and a lot of other things that would just make you gag if you saw it printed in a shirt.

I find myself relevant and satisfied in where I am and what I do. Yet I still am longing for the freedom to widen my circle of influence, to find a venue to inspire others that are currently not within grasp, to try and make a difference for those who do not work for or with me.

A question that comes up, specifically in third world states - there are very few opportunities, too little in the manner of resources,  and too much of apathy.  People desperately trying to survive will ensure food before existentialism.  Exist first, philosophy is for a full stomach.

But what I've found in the course of my life is that people will still listen.  There are still those who search for some more even in the middle of hopelessness.  That there might be a way to elevate oneself against the tides of a life chained to poverty.

In that context I'll continue to try. To find those who'll listen.  And continue to teach.

Posted via Blogaway

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Potato Salad Interlude

In dreary gloomy mornings I used to thrive.  I look back amd wonder now. It must be the will to keep the magic alive for my younger kids that pushes me to find the silver lining in the bleakest of days.

Hence whilst in a morning perfect for the morose before it became fashionable as EMO, I, I mean we - are having perk me up breakfasts.

So funny where life leads you.

Posted via Blogaway

Monday, October 06, 2014

One More of Those Argh! Days

And I go back to validating why the blogs name has remained as it is for quite a number of years. See, the year started out with a lot of hulabaloo based on the Chinese calendar, with people born on the year of the rabbit (1975) supposedly having a break out second in 2014.

Well.....yeah...In a way.

I'm having a breakout year in some fronts, but it's sapping the living bejesus out of certain areas - making it feel like it's a perpetual charley horse on some days.

Today all our iPhones went to that palace in the sky. Oh, we'll likely buy another set, but really? Most folks get to sell off their clunkers. I on the other hand...

But, as people will say here, "a lot of Samsung lovers say they're Android folks because they can't afford iPhones and the cost of apps in the iTunes store. Not to mention paid music and movies. So you're a little, well you know melodramatic."

Then again, wouldn't you want to eat your cake while you have it too?

One Year with the Fujinon XF 50-140mm f2.8

So another weekend came and went, and with finding the time to clean my lenses I had the strong urge to Marie Kondo my current glass line-u...