Thursday, February 09, 2006

An Annual Midmorning (Excerpts)

Here's something that's been stuck. It was supposed to be something dark and sick - keeps turning out cheesy.
I hope I made you laugh today at least.

Act 1 - The circle opens
January 2

So here it is anew, another year and his thirtieth on the planet. Andew finds himself torn on a myriad of issues sorrounding his life, the implacable dreamer and romantic still waiting and beginning to lose hope in setting out on that great adventure, the unmitigated coward shivering in the corner, telling himself that he is content in his bondage.

An aspect which pervades all aspects of his life, his version of Jeckyll and Hyde. It makes him hard to live with and love - and he can't give those who stayed to keep loving him credit that is due to them.

Intelligence? Introspection? What good did it ever do to him other than keep him wandering inside his head, mapping out labyrinths that get more convoluted with time.

January 6

Raindrops splash across the windshield in sheets, making lamposts and rearlights look hazy. He shudders, yet is unwilling to turn down the airconditioning.

"So", she said earlier, tone bordering somewhere between incredulity and exasperation, "Would you mind repeating what you just said?!"

"I am in love with you!" He blurts out, hating himself at the same time for sounding like a love drunk teen. She laughs, so much like bells tinkling, stitches her brows together and regards him speculatively.

"So you say dearie. Thank you?"

He stares at her, dumbfounded. Embarassing is an understatement. The scenario did not play out that way in his head. Why in Sam hill did he ever go through with it? Too late.

The brakes screech as he stomps on the pedals, muttering angrily under his breath at the idiot in front of him who did not have the decency to beat the red light.

This Cristine business is going to get him killed one of these days. There she was, still running around in his head, beckoning him to keep up, her black hair billowing in the wind. Andrew shakes his head, guns the gas, and fades into the rainy midmorning.

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