Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Mount-ed Everest

Oh this was so damned fun (which incidentally turned to the exorcist and the poltergeist rolled into one small pita bread in the early evening). Spent the day on the road traversing the near southern areas of Luzon, including those almost vertical pineapple farm plots tucked in the rolling hills of Tagaytay. It was a suspenseful ride reaching them using those oh so narrow roads (kind of like those that lead to the pearly gates eh?) with a full sized SUV.  If you are one of those who in your childhood needed nutri-buns, yes the title means we rode (mounted) on a Ford SUV (Everest).

We were actually afraid of being covered on pineapple needles and not severe concussions and or a slow agonizing death which was so hilarious considering everyone on board was stone cold sober. Too bad we did not have time to go grab coffee.



I'm having breakfast at the moment, and juggling Helga (my laptop) a loaf of bread, a pot of Folger's, sauteed corned beef and cigarettes. Nifty eh? 

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